In-person Nature Journaling and Art Workshops


Introduction to Garden Journaling. Saturday 22nd June, 10-4pm – School of Art & Wellbeing, Honiton – £65. Learn techniques for documenting the changes in the garden and the nature that frequents your patch. In this class, I will show you how to keep a beautiful, illustrated record of the garden; the plants that grow in it, the nature that frequents it, and the things that still need doing! Based on the stunning walled vegetable garden of the School of Art & Wellbeing, you will learn fundamental drawing, writing, and observation skills based on elements of botanical illustration and nature journaling. Techniques from bullet journaling will also be used to help you construct illustrated pages for your gardening to-do lists. To keep track of the seasons, you will also try out ideas such as plant calendars and phenology wheels. All materials and light refreshments are provided. Please bring a packed lunch.


Bird sketching workshop. Thursday 4th July, 2–4.30pm – Umborne Bridge Studio, Colyton – £30. Learn to draw birds in this fun interactive workshop. Using photos and video, practice getting the “jist” of a bird in as few lines as possible – perfect for improving your sketching skills. After this class, you’ll be ready to try sketching live birds at a bird feeder. The trick is in the mindset, letting go of perfection and getting into the observation of the shapes birds make. This is a beginner friendly and fully indoor class.  Suitable for any ability. Tea, biscuits and all materials provided!


Botanical ink making workshop. Saturday 20th July, 10–4 – Umborne Bridge Studio, Colyton – £65. Learn the techniques to make natural inks from plant and tree materials in this full-day workshop and make a batch of botanical ink to take home with you. Think bubbling cauldrons and fun with different pigments. Lots of plant materials, vials to take your creations home, test paper and all other equipment provided. Beginner-friendly. Bring a watercolour-friendly sketchbook if you’d like to swatch your inks in the class. Tea and biscuits provided, please bring a packed lunch.

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