Hi, I'm Alex
I’m a nature journaling educator, artist, and content creator from East Devon in the UK. I am in love with nature, with art, creativity and recording what I see.
I really do believe that nature journaling has changed my life (why not watch this video to hear all about it) and I am dedicated to sharing this amazing transformative activity with you.
You can find out how to start nature journaling right here on this website, by signing up to my newsletter for a free guide, joining a course or becoming a part of my Nature Journaling Circle membership. Through sharing what I love, I have built a digital community of nature and art lovers from all around the world and I would love you to join in.
I wasn’t always a nature journaling artist…
though it was in my heart from when I was a child, running around through the field behind our house and riding horses over the common. I used to draw and paint and write every day, letting my creative self free with fantasy stories and watercolour painting with my Nan. But then something changed – I went to art school and was told that I needed to be more commercial, more abstract, and less obsessed with the details of things. I was told there that if I wanted to become an illustrator, I had to change everything that mattered to me about art, and focus on ‘what sells.’
So I retaliated and swung in the complete opposite direction. I embarked on an academic career, earning first a BSc in environmental science and then a PhD in soil science. I began to work as a postdoctoral researcher, a lecturer and academic. But something was wrong – I had crippling seasonal affective disorder, leaving me huddling next to a lightbox in the winter months. I was sad, and distant. Work was tough – going from one short contract to another, and I struggled with teaching students topics that I wasn’t really passionate about. When my partner and I had the opportunity to move anywhere in the country and take freelance careers, we took it. We desperately needed the change.

Finding my community
I had barely picked up a paintbrush or pencil for years. When we arrived to Devon, the first thing I wanted to do was reconnect with who I actually am, and what had been missing inside. I looked to my bookshelf, where the copy of ‘Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady’, a gift from my Nan, was sitting. Within a month of arriving to Devon, I was keeping my first nature journal. I kept the journal for three years. It was at this time that I joined Instagram and was told that ‘nature journaling’ was what I was doing. Before this, I had no idea that nature journaling had a name, and a beautiful community online.
I have now been keeping nature journals for 8 years. I don’t need a lightbox anymore and I have gone from someone who didn’t want to get up in the morning to someone who loves each day, at any time of year. My goal now is to share this practice with anybody who feels they need it. Perhaps that is you?

Rediscovering my inner teacher.
I’m amazed how much I have loved my return to teaching, especially when I remember the crippling anxiety I used to feel at the prospect of standing in front of students. I now teach small in-person groups and talk or demonstrate to art societies and other local interest groups. Online, I have taught to huge audiences at the Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference, shared what I do in YouTube and Instagram livestreams and found a confidence I could have barely dreamed of, all thanks to nature journaling.
In 2023, I won the Joanna Radford Award for Excellence from Devon Artist Network, which increased my confidence even more and allowed me to purchase more teaching materials for my in-person classes and demonstrations. If you’d like to join me for a class, workshop, or retreat in person, you can find my schedule here. If your organisation would like to book me to talk, demonstrate, or teach nature journaling to your membership, please contact me.
Creating the Nature Journaling Circle.
Nature journaling has remained at the centre of my life.
I continue to practice and to make my own journals, changing styles and focuses every year or two to keep things fresh. Nature journaling continues to change my world, even as I teach it to others. I can help you experience the benefits of nature journaling too. With one live Zoom tutorial per month, one social discussion session, a monthly theme and access to all my video courses, the Nature Journaling Circle is the place to be if you can’t join me for in-person nature journaling classes.

Why choose me to teach you to nature journal?
Because of my background, I came to nature journaling from a very unique place, and that has led to my developing my own unique approach to this activity. I have taken forward the best aspects of my academic career: a keen interest in how things work, the ability to teach others, and to think critically about what is important when breaking down a process (like learning to paint). Alongside this are years of painting and writing creatively, and all those years spent developing those skills. I am also a yoga and meditation practitioner, and bring mindfulness and kindness as well as other Buddhist principles such as interdependence and impermanence into the practice and teaching of nature journaling. This blend of science, art, and spirituality is at the centre of how I share and teach nature journaling.
If you like the way that I nature journal and if you think that you would like to welcome nature journaling into your life, please do join me and the community in the Nature Journaling Circle. Make sure you’re signed up to my mailing list for regular communications sharing my latest activities, what is coming up, and tips for your own practice.
You can connect with me on social media via the below links. I hope to see you around soon.